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Group Coaching for    Teens & Young Adults 

Anxiety Recovery Program Structure

 Week 1:  Knowlege Is Power

- The Recovery Mindset

- Understanding The Truth About Your Anxiety

- Understanding Your Symptoms 

- Understanding The Recovery Blueprint

Week 2 & 3:  Outsmart Anxiety

- Behavioral Techniques  

- Unlearning Subconscious Anxious Habits

Week 4: Facing Your Fears

-  Creating Your Fear Hierarchies 

Week 5: Outsmart Depression

- Cognitive Techniques

- Low Mood and Depression: Challenging Negative Thought Patterns

Week 6: Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind 

- Breathing and Posture

- Meditation

- Visualization

Week 7: Support and Guidance for Caregivers

- How To Effectively Support Loved Ones with Anxiety (Parents Encouraged to Attend This Session)

Week 8: Life After Recovery

- Gaining Your Control and Confidence

- Embracing Change

- Dealing with Setbacks

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